Dental Laser
Laser Treatment – An Alternative to Gum Surgery
As new dental procedures evolve, more options are becoming available for treating gum disease. And, by treating gum disease before it becomes severe, painful surgery can often be avoided. Considered an almost miraculous development, dental lasers provide an easy, painless, and minimally invasive procedure for the effective treatment of gum disease. Because the process eliminates scalpels and sutures, the healing process is usually faster. The laser is safe and can actually help to increase bone mass that is often lost from gum disease.
Laser Teeth Whitening for Even Better Results!
Patients seeking whiter, brighter teeth have always obtained the most satisfaction from professionally supervised whitening. Now we’re really happy to present laser teeth whitening in our office. The results are achieved faster than ever, with reduced sensitivity in most patients! Ask us about this today.
It costs nothing to determine if you're a suitable candidate for laser treatment. Schedule a no-cost/no-obligation consultation by calling (203) 743-5600.